Rush Limbaugh: Laura Ingraham’s ‘Excellent’ Book is a ‘Comprehensive History’ of How the ‘Republican Party has Shafted Its Voters for Decades
5 Nov 2017
Rush Limbaugh gave an on-air review of Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s new book, Billionaire at the Barricades: The Populist Revolution from Reagan to Trump, praising it as an “excellent” and “comprehensive history” of the struggle between the Republican Party establishment and the grassroots voters who have been “shafted” by the party for decades.
From the transcript of Limbaugh’s October 23, 2017 show:
RUSH: …[Laura Ingraham] has a new book that is excellent. What it does is provide a very comprehensive history of conservatism in our lifetime…
Even though you have lived through a lot of or some of this, reading this book will remind you how much of it you have forgotten. She starts with the history of conservatism starting with Goldwater, and what she does among other things is she lays all the steps out chronologically that led to Donald Trump, that we didn’t elect Donald Trump last year, that Donald Trump’s not the product of just the Obama years.
In fact, that Donald Trump is the product of the Republican Party trying to force establishment candidates down everybody’s throat, like McCain and like Romney, and she zeros in on the eight years of George W. Bush as having been devastating to the conservative movement. It forced conservatives into a necessary position of defending because Bush was under constant assault but that Bush and his administration really didn’t have a whole lot in common with conservatism.
It was more establishment Republican Partyism. To a certain extent, she’s right about this. There has been a — and I tell you, Bush’s focus on immigration and his unrelenting desire to get it done. I mean, there’s a great passage in the book where she makes the point that Bush would go anywhere in the world to defend the borders of a foreign country — such as Iraq or Kuwait or you name it — but he wouldn’t defend the borders of the United States.
You know, let me sum up the book by Laura Ingraham in one sentence. You really had to boil this thing down. Billionaire at the Barricades. It is summary and analysis of how, in Laura’s opinion, the Republican Party has shafted its voters for decades. That’s really because the voters are conservative. “Shafted” may be a strong word, but you get the drift.
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