Don’t Be Fooled by Soros’ Great Deception-America and Trump Are In Grave Danger
By Dave Hodges
November 5th, 2017
George Soros is preparing to unleash holy hell on America. His so-called “Purple Revolution” is designed to produce a civil war and at the same time force Donald Trump from office.
The dreaded November 4th day of infamy has come and gone and we are still alive, we are still here. Today, on November 5th, we all are breathing a collective sigh of relief. The much dreaded Soros-led revolution against our country has come and gone and it has failed miserably. Antifa has become Antifail. The much anticipated nationwide protests, designed to remove Donald Trump from office has failed and failed miserably. The good guys have won and the bad guys have failed. The Independent Media has is rejoicing in America’s good fortune. For example, here are two reports from Breitbart and Infowars where they are proclaiming defeat for America’s 5th column forces.
The Rest…HERE