New York Times: “Allahu Akbar” Is Just An “Everyday Phrase” – Don’t Be Afraid
NOVEMBER 3, 2017
After every jihad massacre, the enemedia rushes to scrub and whitewash Islam.
This is their first and foremost priority. And so now we’re hearing about how the phrase “Allahu akbar,” which jihadis routinely shout as they kill, is really just wonderful.
The NY Times has now run two pro-Allah Akbar pieces in as many pieces. s It is why I wrote my book, FATWA: Hunted in America.
The fact is “Allahu Akbar” was Muhammad’s jihadi war cry.
It was the ‘rebel yell’ of the invading Muslim armies. Muhammad would wait until daybreak before he would strike a village.
If he heard the Muslim call to prayer and the identifying “Allahu Akbar” chanted in that prayer, he would not attack.
If the Muslim call to prayer was not heard, Muhammad and his mujaheddin would then kill, rape, pillage while screaming, “Allahu Akbar!” Allah is greater [than your god].
This campaign by the left to dissemble, deceive and disarm the American people in the greatest threat to our lives is evil.
“NYT: Don’t Be Afraid of ‘Allahu Akbar,’ It’s Just an ‘Everyday Phrase,’” by Trey Sanchez, Truth Revolt, November 2, 2017 (thanks to Todd):
Islamic terror has struck America once again and the national media is bending over backward to try and stifle any Muslim backlash — which never happens, by the way. To them, the real victims are Muslims; forget the eight who died in New York City on Halloween. The Islam apologists are crawling out from under their rocks and Muslim-splaining us on the real meaning of the phrase “Allahu akbar,” which was shouted during Tuesday’s attack.
Eric Nagourney, writing for The New York Times, wants to reassure everyone that “Allahu akbar” is just a simple, “everyday phrase” used by Muslims worldwide and many times to wish others well. There’s nothing to fear, he writes, it simply means “God is great.” Nagourney laments that the phrase has been “intertwined with terrorism.” The writer quotes a random Muslim in his article, H. A. Hellyer, who regularly offers the phrase to fellow Muslims and welcomes it back from them.
“Many Westerners may find it hard to believe these days, but Mr. Hellyer does not recoil in fear [when he hears, ‘Allahu Akbar’],” states Nagourney.
And though he mentions the recent jihad in New York City and several other Islamic attacks across the globe where “Allahu akbar” was the last sound many heard before they died, Nagourney insists the phrase “is so commonplace a saying as to be utterly unworthy of note.” He then lists several instances suggested by an Egyptian author that paints the phrase as no different than a common greeting:
“You can say ‘Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar,” and you’re pushing them along, like, “Go for it, go for it, go for it.’”
“You see a really beautiful woman or a good-looking guy, you go, ‘Allahu akbar.’”
The Rest…HERE