Twitter-Russia Collusion?: New Email Reveals Twitter Pressing RT To Ramp Up Election Ads
by Tyler Durden
Nov 2, 2017
A few weeks ago, after Twitter provided their first “Russian Collusion” update, which consisted basically of nothing other than details on the amount of advertising purchased by Russian news outlets via completely legitimate means, RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan fired back at Twitter with a snarky article saying she wasn’t aware that paying for advertising is now considered suspicious or harmful in a developed democracy such as the United States. She went on to say that she’s very excited to find out how much U.S. media outlets spend in the Russian segment of Twitter…you know, since advertising on social media in foreign countries now seems to be a criminal act.
“This is forcing us to go a step further and come clean that we also spent money on advertising at airports, in taxis, on billboards, on the Internet, on TV and radio. Even CNN ran our commercials,” Simonyan said. “By the way, similar campaigns are conducted by the American media in the Russian segment of Twitter. It’ll be very interesting to find out how much they spend on it, who they target and for what purpose.”
Well it seems that Simonyan may now be exacting her revenge on Twitter as the following email from one of the company’s advertising executives sent to RT conveniently made its way into the hands of BuzzFeed News. Among other things, the email reveals a proverbial ‘full-court press’ from Twitter to get RT to ramp up their U.S. election advertising spend by offering 15% of Twitter’s total Share of Voice for the bargain basement prices of just $3 million.
The Rest…HERE