North Korea news: ‘Everything I know is a LIE’ Defector lifts lid on Kim Jong-un regime
NORTH Korea’s shocking abuse of citizens has been laid bare after a defector revealed exactly what people can and cannot do in the hermit state.
Thu, Nov 2, 2017
Citizens may not know their own mother’s birthday but are forced to learn when Kim Jong-Un was born, according to Eunhee Park.
The 26-year-old had not heard of Australia five years ago, but now she has made herself a temporary home their after she fled North Korea for a better life.
The defector claims she only felt human after she fled the dictatorship, where she would have been arrested for the blonde highlights which are now scattered through her dark hair.
And the floral dress she wears team with a pink cardigan would, too, have seen her locked up under Kim Jong-Un’s strict regime.
According to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, less than five permanent visas each year are granted to North Korean nationals who hope to move to Australia.
Eunhee is currently living in the country on a working holiday visa, staying in a boarding house and working a job in hospitality.
She claims that she now believes everything she was ever taught in the secretive state was a lie, and had to relearn everything she knew when she made her big move.
She told the Sunday Morning Herald: “Sometimes people don’t know their mother’s birthday, but we have to know their [the leaders’] birthdays.
“North Korean people cannot compare with others. There is no internet or information.
“Just about Kim Jong-il and Kim Il-sung, that’s why, when Kim Jong-il died, you saw all the people crying.
“It is true, 50 per cent of North Korea people believe everything.”
Eunhee was lucky enough to have a smalls glimpse of a world outside the Kim dynasty thanks to her grandparents, with whom she visited relatives in China and watched American and south Korean movies smuggled into their home from the black market.
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