Former Street Activist Quits Black Lives Matter After Discovering Soros Hacks Took Over Movement (VIDEO)
by Jim Hoft
November 2, 2017
It looks like another Black Lives Matter activist just woke up to reality.
The activists on the street are Soros pawns in his war on the US.
“Chaziel Sunz” (that’s his YouTube name) recently posted video warning Black Lives Matter activists to wake up to the fact that Soros hacks took over the movement.
“Chaziel Sunz: They got us working for them. How they get us is they playing us emotionally… They getting anybody who basically doesn’t like Donald Trump to fight for war that is being started on American turf very, very soon. And they want us to be a part of their side. What I’m trying to get the black population to understand, and this is critical, is the movement has been compromised… BLM is not actually a black organization and never was… If you have any kind of brain you know BLM is endorsed by the Soror and Clinton family.
This is excellent.