2018 Predictions – Trump, Clintons, Economy, Gold, World – Gerald Celente…”You can start bringing your dollars to Walmart in a wheelbarrow because that’s what they will be worth.”
By Greg Hunter
November 1, 2017
Top trends researcher Gerald Celente says he sees strong trends shaping up for 2018. First up, the embattled President Trump. Celente says, “There’s not been one shred of evidence, period, paragraph, that Russia had anything to do with tapping into or hacking the DNC information and going into their computers. It has nothing to do with Trump, but what it does is it’s taking the people’s minds off the major issues. It’s also building that military industrial complex even bigger. We’ve got to watch out for those Russians. Russia’s GDP is about 7% of America’s. Trump has increased our military budget $54 billion. The entire Russian military budget is $48 billion. You talk to the average person, and they hate the Russians. It’s working perfectly . . . We don’t see Trump being impeached.”
On the Clintons, Celente contends, “Going back to the Uranium One deal. Yes, it is going to fall back on the Clintons. The hundreds of millions of dollars given to the Clinton Foundation by Russians as they did the uranium deal. Those are facts. We don’t see anything happening to Trump.
On the economy, Celente says, “We are now going into almost a year going into the Trump rally. I was negative on the stock market until Trump got elected. What happened? We did a 180 (degree turn) a week after he got elected and said this rally is real. . . . Trump is pro-business . . . it’s good for the markets and that sector.”
But what about the 2018 economic forecast? Celente says, “For the economy, we see a slowdown. Interest rates are going up. That’s the bet. Interest rates are going to go up another 25 basis points in December. So, we believe by the 2nd quarter of 2018, you are going to start to see a slowdown because the only thing that has pumped up the markets is the cheap money. . . .The fish rots from the head down, the markets are going to melt from the head down. The head being the very rich. The top 10% of the rich own 96% of the stock. . . . So, this thing rots down, and we are seeing it now on research. It’s going to fall from the top.”
Celente also predicts China will make big headlines in 2018. Celente points out, “China is not using petro-dollars. They are buying Russian oil, their biggest supplier, with yuan. You can cash in the yuan for gold. It’s the same with Iran and with Saudi Arabia. This is another reason that China is going to go further. You can start bringing your dollars to Walmart in a wheelbarrow because that’s what they will be worth. . . . What kept the dollar alive as the world reserve currency is that all the oil being traded is being bought in dollars. If you are paying for oil in other currencies . . . the Federal Reserve can’t keep printing up all the money that they want. They won’t have it out there as a reserve currency. You will see inflation skyrocket in this country, and gold will hit like a Bitcoin high. We believe it’s starting to happen.
Join Greg Hunter as he interviews the Publisher of the Trends Journal, Gerald Celente, and hear about multiple other trends and predictions for 2018.
After the Interview:
Gerald Celente also says the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) will be renegotiated by President Trump, and he does not need Congressional approval. Celente predicts, “The renegotiation of NAFTA will be a big positive for Republicans and a big selling point for them in the 2018 Mid-term Elections. Right now, NAFTA only helps multinational companies. When it’s renegotiated, it will help American citizens.