Extreme False Flag Terrorism Followed by UN Occupation of America-James Wesley Rawles and Monika Wesolowski

Friday, August 18, 2017
By Paul Martin

By Dave Hodges
August 18th, 2017

There are two very disturbing conversations that I have had in the past 24 hours which suggests very clearly that the Deep State is in the process dismantling the United States of America. Additionally, it is becoming increasingly clear that the Deep State will pay any price to take down America by “any means necessary”.

State Department Sends Clear Message of Impending Future Occupation by UN Forces

Monika Wesolowski has been outspoken about how the Deep State controls the State Department, despite the election of Donald Trump. She has bravely pointed out how her corner of the State Department has engaged in some very Deep State practices which are not in the best interests of the United States. For example, we previously learned about how the State Department, in its pamphlets related to child-sex-trafficking will never display this heinous practice inside the United States, as if if the practice does not exist within the United States and that this decision was made by a contractor with ties and background to Saudi Arabia. Please remember that this obfuscation of this practice within the United States took place when the s0-called Pizzagate/Pedogate was sweeping America.

More to the point of this article, in a phone conversation with Monika, I have learned how the State Department is only interested in displaying military/law enforcement personnel in UN colored hats and helmets. In the conversation, Monika stressed that she was repeatedly instructed to make the head gear more “UN blue” in appearance. What does this mean? My takeaway from this revelation is that the American people, through this type of public display of State Department brochures, are being conditioned to accept UN occupation forces on American soil. Here is a more detailed summary of my personal conversation with Wesolowski.

The Rest…HERE

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