Deep state moving toward military coup Final take-down of Trump begins-October endgame. ‘most deadly’ threat to Trump’s agenda General McMaster Panics As Journalists Expose Him As Greatest National Security Threat

Saturday, August 5, 2017
By Paul Martin
August 4, 2017

This October Trump has the opportunity to destroy at the stroke of a pen Obamacare. with it gone the soviet style takeover of the country is dealt a death blow. The Deep state can not let that happen. Trump must be stopped because if he succeeds then their own fate may be sealed the wars will end the CIA will be purged and next will come the trials and draining of the DC swamp.

Thus we are seeing an all out war in Washington DC between the deep state and Trump factions. Tensions are high as both sides are now feeling the heat.

Rodney Howard-Browne—who just warned his tens-of-millions of followers of the plot to takedown President Trump.
Pastor Brown is the head of the Revival Ministries International evangelical church based in the US whose members number more than 12 million—and who, on 11 July, was one of the numerous American Christian leaders who “laid hands on” President Trump in the White House Oval Office evoking God to protect their nations new leader.

Much to the dismay of many in the left wing media who were furious the President allowed Christianity into the white house.

Pastor Brown “He said there is a plot on Capitol Hill to take the president out, I said you mean by impeachment or by indictment – he said no, to take him out, he will be removed suddenly from office.”

Of the greatest crime committed by President Trump against his “Deep State” enemies necessitating his “sudden removal”, is his plan to end all illegal US wars of aggression so that he can use the trillions-of-dollars spent on this madness to rebuild his own nation—with one of his own top military leaders, Special Operations Command Chief of the US Army General Raymond Thomas III, acknowledging that American forces are fighting in a sovereign Syria where they will likely have no ability to stay if their presence is questioned in terms of international law, and General Thomas adding: “We’re bad day away from Russians asking, Why are you still in Syria?”

President Trump’s “Deep State” enemies have passed a new law that will effectively, and for the first time in American history, remove him from having to power over his own military and foreign policy— Making him in effect impotent.

European Union is now warning the American’s that it “will retaliate within days” if this law takes effect. we wait to see what retaliation they will use.

The Rest…HERE

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