Russian President Putin Blames “Media Hysteria” For Turn On Russia

Thursday, June 15, 2017
By Paul Martin

Mac Slavo
June 15th, 2017

Russian President Vladimir Putin does not see the United States as an enemy, regardless of what the media is shoving down the throats of its ardent followers. Putin is blaming “media hysteria” for the newest chilling of relations between the US and its former Cold War foe.

While Putin was speaking at his annual Q&A, where a self-described pro-Russian American asked how he could convince his fellow Americans that Moscow was not an enemy, he said that the two nations were allies in two world wars. Putin also reiterated his assertation that the “anti-Russian sentiment” in the US is coming from internal political strife in America.

Putin said Russia has “many friends” in the US, although “media hysteria” has taken its toll on bilateral relations. Overall, Moscow believes US-Russia relations will return to normal. Media hysteria is also taking partial blame for yesterday’s shooting of Republican politicians at a baseball practice. US civilians are being subjected to media propaganda, and Putin isn’t afraid to say it.

But Putin is also open to constructive conversations with the United States, something being hidden from those subjected to the media’s fear mongering tactics.

The Rest…HERE

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