“Russia is our Enemy, Putin Wants War”: The Globalists’ Drive Towards the East, “Drang nach Osten”
Part I of the Prelude to WW3 Trilogy
By Zoran Karaklajic
Global Research
May 20, 2017
Drang nach Osten has several translations into English: “yearning for the East”, “thrust toward the East”, “push eastward”, “drive toward the East” “It was a term coined in the 19th century to designate German expansion into Slavic lands.” The concept was part of Nazi ideology during the Third Reich. (GR Editor)
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The so-called US/NATO establishment now endlessly repeats the stale postulate: Russia is our enemy. Yet no one objectively evaluates the validity of this hypothesis.
What really is this alleged threat of Russian aggression? To comprehend the current US/NATO vs. Russia confrontation requires some knowledge of history, warfare, geography, demography, and the globalist political and economic schemes. Certainly much more knowledge and wisdom are needed than what is being exhibited by the ubiquitous globalist media, globalist’s gofer-administrations, and some unbalanced members of Congress.
In terms of geography, the territory of Russia covers some 14% of the Earth’s land mass, with a population of about 150 million. Russian per capita income is about 12% of that of the US. Clearly, Russia needs people, trade, and economic development much more than additional territory. Remember, Russia sold Alaska for just pocket change to the US.
In terms of demography, in 1991 the abrupt politically-imposed breakup of the USSR along its communist administrative borders left almost 40 million Russians outside of the USSR Russian Socialist Republic — which is now the Russian Federation (Russia). Ironically, US/NATO (an anti-communist alliance) accorded the breakup of the USSR in line with the previous communist regime’s objectives and its imposed internal borders.
This demographic problem came to the forefront as the repressive-racist regimes of some USSR spinoff countries outlawed Russian ethnicity and joined NATO (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) or become militantly hostile to their indigenous Russian population(Moldavia in 1992, Georgia in 2008,and Ukraine currently).This is and will remain a major problem until a more just and prudent solution is reached.Taking this into account, we must ask: What business does US/NATO have to so intently enforce the communist doctrine and borders of the former USSR?
The Rest…HERE