Globalists Have Placed 22 Nation-Ending Crises On America’s Doorstep
By Dave Hodges
May 15th, 2017
America has ventured into unprecedented times. Everyone of our crises are created by the globalists which is intended, in my hmble opinion, to collapse our country after plundering it for everything that it is worth.
Let’s being the analysis in an obscure place that could have great relevance to our country. We see rioting in the streets in Venezuela over the food lines over the past year. Subsequently the food lines in Venezuela are a sight to behold and remember, that according to FEMA, Americans are only nine meals away, as a nation, from repeating the same exact thing here in America. Please allow me to digress.
We are witnessing history in the making in Venezuela as the military is defecting to join with the beleagured people.
This could prove highly relevant to our country.
The US military is now conducting military maneuvers right next to Venezuela. Are we preparing to crush this country’s new-found spirit of populism?
The situation in Venezuela is critical to understand and it has profound implications for the citizenry inside the United States. America’s combat troops largely come from the average, every-day rank and file of the people. If push comes to shove, many, if not most, will join with the people in a popular uprising and this is being proven in Venezuela as I write these words. Our present set of crises which has beset this country is unprecedented. I did an historical search to see if there ever was a time in American history where we had so many crises going on at the same time and the answer is that there has never been a time like this.
The Establishment Has Practiced for the Eventuality That the Military Would Join with the People In a Crisis
Our veterans are among the harshest critics of the government and the establishment as they understand that entity to be. Last year in Jade Helm 16 (i.e. UWEX 16), ARSOF and conventional military practiced a campaign, at four Texas military bases for countering American millitary units that had gone rogue and were waging a guerilla war against the establishment.
This was a continuation of Jade Helm 15 in which the exxtraction of civillian undesirables was conducted. Clearly, the establishment is preparing for massive civilian unrest and the defection of many/most of our troops like what we are witnessing in Venezuela. This is why I believe so many of our combat troops are outside the country at this time.
Current List of Globalist Crises Directed at America
The Rest…HERE