US commandos are ‘ready to DESTROY Kim Jong-un’s nuclear missiles if WAR breaks out’

Wednesday, May 3, 2017
By Paul Martin

US SPECIAL forces are being readied to wipe out Kim Jong-un’s nuclear arsenal, a senior commander announced.

Thu, May 4, 2017

General Raymond A. Thomas, who heads the US Special Operations Command, told Congress that commandos will be permanently based near the reclusive state to strike if conflict breaks out.

The General said: “We are actively pursuing a training path to ensure readiness for the entire range of contingency operations in which (special operations forces), to include our exquisite (countering weapons of mass destruction) capabilities, may play a critical role.”

“We are looking comprehensively at our force structure and capabilities on the peninsula and across the region to maximise our support to US (Pacific Command) and (US Forces Korea).

“This is my warfighting priority for planning and support.”

In a warning to North Korea he claimed the Army, Navy and Air Force have 8,000 commandos deployed in 80 country’s around the world, who could all be re-deployed to counter Kim’s missile ambitions.

A defence official said US commandos in the past have trained for covert operations against several types of nuclear facilities, including reactors and research centres.

The Rest…HERE

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