Campaign 2020? Trump for President spends $1.5 million to run ‘First 100 Days’ TV ad that blasts ‘fake news’ – complete with a rogues gallery of five news anchors
Trump’s campaign organization is priming the pump early for 2020
Massive ad buy for 30-second TV spot
Ad shows words ‘FAKE NEWS’ on-screen, with pictures of five news anchors
ABC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC are included – but not Fox News
By David Martosko, US Political Editor
1 May 2017
The race for the White House is back on again – three years early.
President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign organization is running its first TV ad since he won the White House, and spending $1.5 million to put it on the air.
The ad, titled ‘First 100 Days,’ highlights Trump’s initial achievements in office and blasts ‘fake news’ for downplaying them.
‘America has rarely seen such success, the ad’s narrator says.
‘A respected Supreme Court justice confirmed. Companies investing in American jobs again. America becoming more energy independent.
Regulations that kill American jobs eliminated. The biggest tax cut plan in history.’
‘You wouldn’t know it from watching the news,’ it continues.
At that point the ad flashes the words ‘FAKE NEWS’ on-screen, complete with pictures of five TV news anchors.
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