‘They almost killed me!’ Shocking video shows Trump supporter knocked unconscious ‘with something metallic’ during airport immigration protest

Tuesday, January 31, 2017
By Paul Martin

Grant Chisholm, 39, was involved at a counter protest at Portland’s Airport
He claims he was hit three times with a metallic object by a Trump opponent
Chisholm, who was with the Bible Believers Group suffered concussion
Approximately 600 people were demonstrating against the immigration ban

31 January 2017

A Donald Trump supporter was knocked unconscious and suffered concussion after he was hit during a protest at Portland International Airport.

Grant Chisholm, 39, was with three other members of the Bible Believers Group who were holding a counter protest supporting Trump’s immigration ban when he was assaulted.

The counter protest faced approximately 600 people who were demonstrating against the controversial measure.

The Rest…HERE

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