Ron Paul – United States Facing a Total Financial Collapse in This Generation – Final Prediction, Warning to Americans

Friday, January 6, 2017
By Paul Martin

by AMY S.
JANUARY 6, 2017

United States Facing a Total Financial Collapse

Is the United States facing a total financial collapse in this generation? Is the mighty American dollar about to be crushed by cold economic reality?

The truth may just be a lot more frightening than you ever imagined.

The reality is that any major currency not backed by gold in the history of the world has eventually failed, and the actions currently being taken by the U.S government and the Federal Reserve are speeding up the day when the dollar will totally collapse as well.

Sometimes words are not enough to describe a really bad situation. Hopefully the chart at the top of this article will give you get an idea of what is happening to the dollar. This chart originally comes from the Federal Reserve itself. The chart shows the U.S. monetary base from 1960 until today. From 1960 until about 1980, the amount of currency in circulation was increasing, but it was fairly stable. From 1980 to the middle of this decade, the amount of currency in circulation just exploded, but the worst news is found at the end of the chart.

If you look at what is happening today, the amount of dollars in circulation is absolutely shooting through the roof. At this point, much of the cash which the U.S. government and the Fed have injected into the economy has not yet gotten into the hands of the person on the street, so the U.S. is still experiencing the beginnings of a deflationary depression. But eventually all of the money they have injected will get out there into the general economy.

When that happens, there will be a whole lot more dollars in circulation than before but about the same number of goods and services. Do you know what happens when that situation exists?

The Rest…HERE

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