NDAA 2016: “Fake News” Sites Are Subject to Treason Investigations (Video)

Thursday, December 15, 2016
By Paul Martin


Earlier this week, with a lot of pressure from our woefully dishonest and corrupt mainstream media, some terrifying new legislation was passed that should frighten anyone who values free speech. The legislation I am referring to was quietly passed under the 2016 NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act), and it authorizes the government to investigate and crackdown on websites named in “Fake News” blacklists for treason, and as you might expect there was no coverage on the passage of the legislation by the mainstream corporate media.

In the video below, I explain how legislation like that passed both Houses of Congress when they are both Houses are controlled by the GOP, and what the newly passed legislation means for the future of free speech. In addition to providing a link to the original announcement for those who never read it, I also explain what Google and Facebook “actually” said when they announced they were cracking down on “Fake News.”

The Rest…HERE

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