Gingrich: ‘Russian Hacking’ Only Exposes Obama & Hillary’s Utter Incompetence

Tuesday, December 13, 2016
By Paul Martin

The left was not too worried about 5 foreign intel agencies hacking Hillary’s top secret email

Paul Joseph Watson
December 13, 2016

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich says that the ‘Russian hacking’ story only exposes the fact that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were completely incompetent at cybersecurity.

“Barack Obama is now saying that his administration was so incompetent, that they stood around sucking their thumb, while the Russians snuck in and hacked an American election because of the utter incompetence of the Obama defense system,” Gingrich told Sean Hannity, expressing amazement as to why the White House would want to draw attention to such a situation.

“We’re now supposed to believe the guys who failed….because they were too stupid to protect the system,” he added, noting that the whole farce would be comedy if it was a movie.

Hannity pointed out that the media was less interested in the innumerable examples of Democrats engaging in underhanded and illegal behavior to impact an election.

– The DNC organizing violence at Trump rallies, as exposed by Project Veritas.

– The media being exposed by Wikileaks as having colluded with the Clinton campaign.

– Individuals such as Donna Brazile helping Hillary cheat by handing her debate questions.

The Rest…HERE

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