Electoral College voters across the country are being harassed by Clinton supporters against voting for Trump

Friday, November 18, 2016
By Paul Martin

So far there have been reports of harassment in Arizona, Idaho, Georgia and Michigan – states with no laws against ‘faithless electors’
Faithless electors are Electoral College voters who refuse to cast a vote for the winner of their state’s election
The likelihood of this method actually stopping a Trump presidency is low, since he leads in the Electoral College by 40 votes
In the history of U.S. presidential elections, there have only ever been 157 faithless elector votes

18 November 2016

Electoral College voters across the country are being harassed by Hillary Clinton supporters, in a last-ditch effort to prevent the Trump presidency.

In the U.S., presidents are elected by the Electoral College – not by popular vote. In most states, electors must cast a vote for the winner of their state’s popular vote. But some states – like Arizona, Idaho, Michigan and Georgia – don’t have a rule against electors going rogue and voting for another candidate.

So Clinton supporters have been harassing electors in the 21 states with no rules against these so-called ‘faithless electors’ – urging them not to vote for Trump when they officially cast their ballots on December 19

In Arizona, electors have been hit with a barrage of emails and phone calls from unhappy citizens – most of them from out of state.

The Rest…HERE

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