ICE & CME: The Exchange Casinos That Control Practically Everything

Saturday, August 20, 2016
By Paul Martin

You Will Be Ripped Off In Biggest Financial Scam Ever (Unless you prepare in advance)

By Anonymous Patriots
August 19, 2016

You have heard that the stock market and Wall Street are nothing but a casino. “Outright gambling” you have heard or read. You may think you know what that means, but we urge you to read this article to see how deep we went to uncover the truth for Patriots.

Once you read this article, there is no going back to sleep. You will want to act to preserve your savings before the collapse happens. Our markets are no different than all that preceded us in history: Fiat currency always ends the same way—total collapse. As we have told you before, we are not financial analysts and aren’t giving you financial advice. We are just outlining what our research discovered and are saying in a calm voice to our fellow Patriots, “Fire. There is a fire in the casino and you might want to cash out your chips and head to the exit door. Immediately.”

You probably have a sinking feeling in your stomach about what is happening in the global financial world. It doesn’t seem to make sense. You read that the U.S. stock market is hitting all-time highs, yet you hear that exchanges around the world are faltering. Why are we told that stocks are at record highs and volume in trading is strong, but that no one is buying? That just doesn’t make sense. Why are we hearing about the robust health of the “markets,” yet seeing more and more unemployment in our community?

You wonder how the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ and Chicago & New York Mercantile Stock Exchange are able to achieve all-time record highs, yet you don’t really want to dig too deep because all of your pension, IRA, and 401k money is invested in these markets and this would be very scary to have to think about. You have heard the chicken-little story of how the financial sky is falling time and time again. It seems like nothing ever really happens, so you think your life savings will be fine this time, too.

Our research shows that this is the big one. Of course, you will want to check our claims to see if you find a different conclusion. But don’t take too long, the casino is getting smoky.

The Rest…HERE

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