Chaos and Uncertainty Erupt Around the Globe – Nathan McDonald

Tuesday, July 19, 2016
By Paul Martin
July 19, 2016

The world is coming apart at the seams. All over the globe, uncertainty and chaos are erupting. We are witnessing historic events unfolding at a rapid pace and it is unclear whether or not we will make it out of these times in one piece.

We have the “staged” or “not staged” failed coup in Turkey that is resulting in a massive government lockdown and move into a dictatorship. We’re seeing massive arrests of anyone who voices concern or opposes the government.

And there’s the senseless killing of cops that had nothing to do with the murder of African-Americans across the United States, which may or may not result in a breakdown of the police force that protects and keeps modern civilization in balance.

At the same time, President Putin and other non-leaders are saying that the world has never been closer to WWIII, yet the mainstream media is not reporting on this fact, or the fact that the U.S. and China are engaged in a heavy standoff in the disputed Chinese waters.

Additionally, people around the globe are on edge as acts of terrorism escalate, as seen in the disgusting murders witnessed in Paris.

Yet, the stock market is content to continue ticking higher. What is going on? What is this madness? You have to wonder if the elite are completely and utterly disconnected with the world, or if they are aware of exactly what is going on and are now going for broke, attempting to accumulate as much stolen wealth as they can before the entire system comes crashing down on “our” heads.

With the events listed above, the markets should be crashing and burning. In the past, even one of these events would of set the financial world spinning. Perhaps people are too busy turning their brains off and playing Pokemon Go to notice the fire burning all around them.

For those of us in the precious metals community, who are naturally more awake and skeptical than the average person, we know exactly what is unfolding. We know the dangerous situation that we and the world now face.

I’m in the camp that hopes that cooler heads will prevail and things will settle down, returning to a prosperous period of growth and stability. Sadly, the trend is not good, and things appear to be getting worse, not better.

The recent rapid rise in both gold and silver are sounding the alarm and agreeing with the above statements. Uncertainty abounds and dangerous times lie ahead. All that you can do is brace yourself and prepare for the worse, yet hope for the best.

Take action now, or risk losing everything.

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