The Globalists Have Revealed How They Will Collapse America

Monday, July 4, 2016
By Paul Martin

Dave Hodges
July 4, 2016

The world’s economic tectonic plates are beginning to shift and soon the worlds economic system will soon come tumbling down. Will you be prepared? Have you converted your soon to be worthless cash into precious metals?

For the past several years, the elite (e.g. George Soros) have been running from the dollar. In fact, they have been running from all domestic currencies. Why? Because they knew what was coming. And what is coming is an economic meltdown like the world has never seen.

Beside trading and bartering, if the dollar and the Euro were to collapse tomorrow, what currency of exchange would the left standing? The obvious and simple answer would be primarily, gold, and secondarily, silver. Ask yourself this question, if you knew that paper monies all around the world were to collapse, what action would represent your best option? The obvious answer would be to dramatically drive down the price of gold and silver if one had the ability to do so, and then buy as much as gold as one possibly could. Goldman Sachs has the ability to do so by utilizing their ominous shorting strategy. This is exactly what Goldman Sachs did in 2013 when they ordered their brokers to create a state of panic among gold and silver holders and then they offered the unsuspecting precious metals holders a way out, sell short.

In 2013, I wrote the following:

“Panic selling dominated the market as investors and financial institutions could not dump their holdings of silver and gold fast enough. The market clearly shows signs of mass manipulation by the Globalists. The best proof that the globalists are manipulating the price of gold comes from “Goldman Sachs (who) reportedly told their clients earlier this month that they recommend initiating a short COMEX gold position.”

In other words, the globalists knew at least three years in advance that fiat currencies were going to be collapsed and the key members of the criminal elite better get into previous metals ASAP!

The Rest…HERE

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