South Korea admits Kim Jong-un has already obtained miniaturised nuclear warheads… as US general warns it is only a matter of time before Pyongyang has long-range missiles

Wednesday, April 20, 2016
By Paul Martin

Seoul-based body says North has created 660lb miniaturised weapon
It contradicts Defence Ministry report described as ‘too conservative’
General Vincent Brooks tells Senate committee he is worried by North
He says they will get long-range nuclear missiles ‘if they’re not stopped’

20 April 2016

South Korea has confirmed that North Korea has successfully created miniaturised nuclear warheads as a leading US general said it is only a matter of time before Pyongyang builds long-rang missiles capable of hitting America and Japan.

General Vincent Brooks told the Senate Armed Services Committee in Washington that North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un was determined to build rockets that could target the United States.

He said: ‘It’s very clear through the parades that they’ve done, what systems they have and some of the attempted launches that … over time, I believe we’re going to see them acquire these capabilities if they’re not stopped.’

Last month North Korean media published images showing Kim standing next to what it said was a miniaturised weapon.

Miniaturisation is achieved when the nuclear warhead weighs less than 2,200lb and the diameter of the bomb measures 35 inches or less.

Kim was also quoted as saying: ‘We must always be ready to fire our nuclear warheads at any time.’

The Rest…HERE

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