The Coming Amerikan Hellstorm- Gun Confiscation and Control of Food Always Leads to Genocide
Dave Hodges
31 Mar, 2016
In any repressive regime, before subjugation is complete, the totalitarian government comes for both the guns and the food. Both events are well underway in the present moment inside the United States.
America’s Coming Holodomor
The goal is the cessation of private food production.
Things are so bad in Northern California and Southern Oregon, that they have tried to form their own state, the State of Jefferson. Unfortunately, without Congressional approval, this idea will never come to fruition. However, it points out the level of subjugation that the American people are feeling and America has about reached her boiling point.
It Has Happened Before
In Ukraine’s Holodomor, Stalin thwarted a populist movement for independence in that region. Millions were starved to death. Hitler, Mao and Stalin, and now the United States used food as means of control.
Going hand in hand with the weaponizing of food, comes gun confiscation. If Ukrainians had guns, they would have a way of fighting back against Stalin.
In the United States, we are presently seeing that UWEX 16 preparing to control the distribution of food on a regional basis. And they are practicing with foreign troops in order that the establishment can completely control food distribution on a regional basis. This is how Stalin pulled off the Holodomor. And this appears that this is how the establishment is going to try and thwart the will of the people that is being expressed in the primary process of the 2016 election cycle. Mix in a little gun control/confiscation and this country has all the trappings of a country that is preparing to commit genocide.
Disarming the Backbone of America’s Guerrilla forces, (i.e. veterans) would become the strategy of our occupation forces.
The Rest…HERE