A Collapse In Government Is Incoming, Markets Are Going To Start Responding!
By: Gordon T. Long and Martin Armstrong
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
“Pegs do not work and they always break because of politicians setting the value of something for private agendas.”
The Chinese are trying to maintain a controlled economy but they are losing the grip of it. Many people misunderstood the economic statistics because they do not understand what is happening. You had many companies in Hong Kong borrowing in dollars, converting it back in and paying 1% then funneling it into China and collecting 5%-8%. People perceived this as the Chinese getting lots of capital inflow, and the economy doing good, but it had nothing to do with the economy. Following this, shadow banking was shut down and then it was perceived that the economy was going down, but it’s been going down since 2007. We have China in trouble, Japan’s currency is really a closed economy and these pegs are starting to go because the dollar is the only viable currency. You can’t park in China, they don’t trust the bonds yet, can’t go into Russia, and essentially all of Europe; therefore it’s been dollar by default.
“The dollar is the most liquid and the least ugly. It is the prettiest of the 3 ugly sisters. It is the rise in the dollar which will create the change in the monetary systems.”
The Rest…HERE