How Brussels bombers’ deadly arsenal tore their victims to shreds: Incredible X-ray shows a three-inch BOLT lodged next to blast survivor’s heart
The bolt is seen just inches from the heart of the patient who is in hospital
Reports said that at least one of the bombs at the airport contained nails
Frightened passengers describe seeing ‘dismembered bodies everywhere’
They have told how ceiling collapsed after bombs ripped through terminal
Witness reports seeing bodies thrown into the air as explosions went off
By John Stevens In Brussels and Julian Robinson and Anthony Joseph In London
22 March 2016
This is the shocking X-ray which shows a bolt inside a survivor of the Brussels attacks which left 34 people dead.
The three-inch bolt is seen just inches from the heart of the patient at the Military Hospital in Neder-over-Heembeek in northern part of the Belgian capital.
At least 34 people have been killed and many more have been left injured after a series of bombs blasted inside an airport terminal and Metro station.
It has been reported that at least one of the bombs at Brussels Airport contained nails.
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