Cruz Said Trump Should Denounce KKK over Endorsement, but Embraces Endorsement from Two Men Who are Part of a Theological Cult
MARCH 21, 2016
Sometimes the hypocrisy is just so glaring that it demands you comment on it. In February, David Duke encouraged his supporters to volunteer and vote for Donald Trump. This drew the wrath of all sorts of political pundits, as well as GOP presidential candidates, including constitutionally ineligible Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). However, in recent days, we have not heard the Texas senator denounce two prominent Mormons, whose church historically has been racist against blacks and also a theological cult that masquerades as though it is “Christianity.” These two men are two-time loser, liberal and establishment stooge Mitt Romney and the other is Glenn Beck.
Why is this important? First, recognize that the LDS church’s non-prophet Brigham Young clearly engaged in racial discrimination in the church, but later the church only changed that due to cultural pressures that were brought to bear on them. Second, and most important, it is vital that a man that claims to be a believer make sure that everyone understands that Mormons are not Christian. They deny that Jesus Christ is God (the second member of the Trinity), but rather claims He is a created being, the spirit brother of Lucifer. Not only does this make them similar to the heretic Arius in their view of who Jesus Christ is, but it also makes them anti-christs, as defined by the apostle John (1 Jn. 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 Jn 1:7; cf. John 1:1, 3).
The Rest…HERE