Wake Up Ted, It’s Time to Make the Phone Call
Wayne Root
March 17, 2016
What’s that famous saying? “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” It’s time for Ted Cruz to wake up and make the phone call that changes history, changes the GOP, changes the course of America.
It’s time to face reality. Donald Trump will be the 2016 GOP Presidential nominee. Only Trump has a path to the nomination. Ted Cruz is delusional if he thinks he can win the nomination…or deserves to win the nomination. He was shut out on Tuesday night. Shut out as in zero, zilch, zip, nada. It was Trump 4, Kasich 1, Cruz 0, Rubio cut from the team.
Cruz can’t be the nominee. We’re deep into the GOP presidential race on a key Super Tuesday and he can’t even win one state. The nomination winner can’t be 0 for 5 on a Super Tuesday. That’s not a man on the way to becoming leader of the free world.
Kasich can’t be the nominee. He just won his first state out of 27. He’s 1 win, 26 losses in the GOP race. And the one win was a “homer.” The sitting Governor of Ohio just won his own state. My guess is very few sitting Governors have ever lost their home state. So please don’t get any delusions of grandeur John! No GOP power broker is stupid enough to award the presidential nomination to a guy who is 1 win, 26 loses. That would be the death of the Republican Party.
That leaves one man left standing- Donald J Trump.
The Rest…HERE