The pink parade facade: Susan Komen Foundation not telling the truth about breast cancer
by: L.J. Devon
Friday, March 18, 2016
The pretty pink ribbons are coming undone as more people start to see through the “breast cancer awareness” racket and waste. Yes, the Susan G. Komen Foundation has brought awareness to breast cancer, but they have not shined a light on the real-life solutions that exist for cancer patients. In fact, the organization often steers breast cancer patients away from the very therapies that work, stereotyping anything outside their sponsored advice as a “complimentary therapy” scam. Interestingly, cancer patients are being cured using “complimentary therapies,” despite the medical system’s attempt to silence and suppress them. Cancer patients are actually leaving the US medical system altogether, turning down chemotherapy, mastectomy and radiation, and finding answers not sponsored by the pink-washing Susan Komen Foundation.
The foundation is directing patients toward immune system suppression, drug-chemical treatment and the maiming of body parts, while shunning several therapies that assist the body’s natural ability to heal.
Their site says, “No complementary therapy can cure cancer. If a complementary therapy makes this type of claim, it is a sign that it is a scam” and may “interfere with the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.”
A brainwashing pyramid scheme
Most people involved in the pink campaign are kind and generous but aren’t truly aware of how much waste and propaganda is involved in the breast cancer awareness racket. After reviewing what the foundation supports and how they are funded, it appears as if the entire pink-washing movement is just a front for the cancer industry in the US, which makes people think that cures are nonexistent but just around the corner, as long as you donate a little more money and wear a little more pink. The foundation is driven by catchy marketing and feeds itself energy by promoting itself and its color branding. Meanwhile, this machine encourages patients to succumb to chemical treatments that destroy their own cellular energy production.
The whole foundation appears to be about giving and saving lives, but is the money really going into the pockets of breast cancer patients and empowering them with unbiased education on cancer treatment? Much of the money donated to the Foundation either goes toward marketing, to pharmaceutical research or to pad the pockets of its executives. At its core, the Foundation is really just a pyramid scheme, funneling the generous donations of kind people to a tier of executives.
According to Charity Navigator, the Foundation spent $18,394,170 in 2013 on administration expenses alone, allotting $560,896 to Founder and CEO Nancy Brinker and $606,461 to President Elizabeth Thompson.
Cancer patients are being cured without undergoing the system’s standard of chemotherapy, radiation and mastectomy
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