Martial Law in Burns, Oregon: Post Siege, Feds Terrorizing Local Citizens at Gunpoint

Saturday, February 13, 2016
By Paul Martin


It appears the siege in Burns, Oregon is never ending. At this time, I’d like to call your attention to which group is ACTUALLY doing the terrorizing. Was it Bundy’s group that shot an unarmed man NINE times, or was that the Feds? Was it Bundy’s group that terrorized the local population with everything from check points, random searches, and even pointing loaded guns to the heads of local civilians? No, that would be the feds, and we’re talking about AFTER everyone has already surrendered.

Perhaps I shouldn’t even call them the feds? The following is from the post titled, Report: Massive Number of Heavily Armed Paramilitary Operating in Burns, Oregon:

“In the interview below, Lory Storm says she was there when the new group of men arrived by way of six to seven fully armored Suburbans and MRAPS, armed to the teeth, and wearing full body armor. She says based on the behavior of the men, the fact that they claim to represent the governor and state police, and because their body armor and Suburbans have no patches or insignias on them, it leads her to believe the new group is some type of mercenary outfit contracted by someone within government.”

If you watch the video below, you can hear for yourself that the men who rolled into Burns in their fully armored trucks and armed to the teeth refuse to identify themselves. Not that the government has ANY business acting as unlawfully as we’ve seen in Burns, but if these people refuse to identify themselves, then that tells me they are not government agents making them little more than vigilantes. They are hired thugs.

The Rest…HERE

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