Minnesota school teacher under fire for teaching children to praise Allah and sing in Arabic
by: Jonathan Benson
Thursday, December 24, 2015
If your child was told to sing a ballad in honor of the Muslim holiday of Ramadan as part of a musical performance at school, would you object? A handful of parents representing students at Blaine High School in Minnesota sure are, chastising a music teacher for including a performance of an Arabic song that praises Allah as being a god in an upcoming variety show.
The Anoka-Hennepin School District, representing northwest Minneapolis and St. Paul, says the song, entitled Eid-un Sa’Eid – Zain Bhikha, is merely an educational addition to a larger program that also features songs celebrating the Jewish and Christian religions. But a number of parents and onlookers aren’t so sure, warning that the performance is not only inappropriate, but also insensitive in light of recent terror events.
As the narrative goes, Muslims are responsible for various school shootings and other terror events that have occurred in recent months because, well, the government says they are. So instructing students to sing songs praising the “religion of hatred” is an offense to our nation, say some, because it’s indoctrinating children into a mindset of tolerance for behaviors that represent a threat to national security.
A recent Facebook post about the song garnered attention both locally and nationally, as critics decried the inclusion of the song as offensive to religious freedom. Some parents are already opting their children out of the performance, which the school has indicated is not a problem. But opting out could also draw unwanted attention to objecting students and their families, who would rather not have the song included at all.
“No child should be forced to sing a song about the Muslims and the religion of hatred,” wrote one online commenter in opposition to the song’s use in the variety show.
Is Blaine High School embracing Islam as its official religion?
The Rest…HERE