TV And The Dark Powers That Be
By Chris Veritas
DECEMBER 23, 2015
Mediapharmaphilia is a neologism this journalist has invented to describe the complex relationship that exists between the Television user and his drug of choice; a dependency which leaves the poor addict dazzled and bedraggled; subjected to spectacle; and above all else, beholden to the Dealer for future installments of TERROR.
Like the erstwhile Media Sensation Patty Hearst, America has fallen in love with its captors, and seems to have come to expect the shock and awe and fear and trembling as a matter of course; except that it’s not so much #ISIS that’s delivering it. No, it’s Wolf Shepherd and Blitzer O’Reilly, our anchors in the restless sea of infinite (in)formation.
In the deep subconscious, which reassembles the dialectically opposed Network mirage, Wolf/Shepherd becomes both the guiding friend and the stern accuser, two voices that blend into one as the same source both defends and attacks Americans.
This dissonance I assert is designed to bypass and cripple the conscious mind, and the dirty little secret is this: we LOVE it. We are ALL Patty Hearst.
Yes, on some level we know all this, but we still won’t stop watching. We stand by our Programming, and on any given day you might hear statements like these in defense of it: “You can’t trust the MTV, but you can trust Wolf Shepherd”; I hate Barack Obama but, shh, let’s hear what he has to say about Syria”; and “I’m terrified of ISEL™!; let’s watch more San Bernardino coverage, post haste!”
It’s all about trust. The public’s potential distrust gets negated by a seemingly trustworthy alternative, in a neat shell game that keeps the Dark Forces just out of view, makes what’s “cool” “hot”, and being “down” with “what’s up” a thing that’s equal to your “level best”; unless of course things “go sideways”.
Hey, Dark Forces, 1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual [you Vampires].
But I digress.
The Rest…HERE