Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: Pushing children into suicide with happy pills
Saturday, December 19, 2015
In 2001, GlaxoSmithKline published a trial in children and adolescents, study
329.1 This study reported that Paxil (Seroxat) was effective with minimal side effects, and it was widely believed and cited, no less than 184 times by 2010, which is remarkable. However, the trial was fraudulent. We know this because the Attorney General of New York State sued the company in 2004 for repeated and persistent consumer fraud in relation to concealing harms of Paxil,2 which opened the company’s archives as part of a settlement. (Story from[PDF])
Glaxo lied to its sales force, telling them that trial 329 showed ‘REMARKABLE Efficacy and Safety’,3 while the company admitted in internal documents that the study didn’t show Paxil was effective. The study was negative for efficacy on all eight protocol-specified outcomes and positive for harm. These indisputable facts were washed away with extensive data manipulations, so that the published paper, which – although it was ghostwritten – had 22 ‘authors’, ended up reporting positive effects.3,4 The data massage produced four statistically significant effects after splitting the data in various ways, and it was clear that many variations were tried before the data confessed. The paper didn’t leave any trace of the torture; in fact, it falsely stated that the new outcomes were declared a priori.
For harms, the manipulations were even worse. The internal unpublished study report that became available through litigation showed that at least eight children became suicidal on Paxil versus one on placebo. This was a serious and statistically significant harm of Paxil (P = 0.035). There were 11 serious adverse effects in total among 93 children treated with Paxil and two among 87 children treated with placebo, which was also significant (P = 0.01, my calculation; the paper didn’t say that this difference was statistically significant). This means that for every 10 children treated with Paxil instead of placebo, there was one more serious adverse event (the inverse of the risk difference, 11/93 – 2/87, is 10). However, the abstract of the paper ended thus:
The Rest…HERE