Former CIA Director Unloads Chilling Warning About Obama, Power Grid
December 16, 2015
Former CIA Director Unloads Chilling Warning About Obama, Power Grid
Written by: Off The Grid News Staff Current Events December 16, 2015 2 Comments Print This Article Print This Article
Senate Intelligence Committee Debates Intelligence ReformA former CIA director and former executive director of the EMP Task Force are charging that the Obama administration is failing to protect America from a potential power grid-crippling solar storm, choosing instead to conduct more studies on a potential disaster that could kill 90 percent of the population.
The article by former CIA director R. James Woolsey and former EMP Task Force executive director Peter Pry begins by applauding President Obama for being the first administration “to recognize that our high-tech electronic civilization” is vulnerable to solar storms and for warning the public that a rare “once-in-a-century geomagnetic superstorm” could destroy the power grid. Similar storms hit Earth in 1859 and 1921 but haven’t hit since.
But Woolsey and Pry said that the National Space Weather Action Plan – unveiled by an Obama-approved commission in October – does nothing. Woolsey served under President Clinton.
“It is only 38 pages long, and is not really a plan,” Woolsey and Pry wrote at “It is a plan to develop a plan to protect the nation from space weather.”
“The ‘action’ in the ‘Action Plan’ is to do numerous studies before taking any real action that would protect the national power grid,” they wrote. “Federal scientific and research bureaucracies, such as NASA and NOAA, make their living by doing studies.”
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