Philippines Supreme Court bans all GMO products from the country in major victory for native farmers
by: L.J. Devon
Thursday, December 17, 2015
The regulatory and judicial systems of some countries (like the USA) are clearly infiltrated with industry insiders and corporate operatives. These operatives work their way into positions of government and academia, and even become judges for the Supreme Court. As they rule in the best interests of the corporations they serve, they pervert justice, abandon ethics and disregard the long-term negative effects that untested genetic experiments will have on the environment and the health of the people.
Examples of this conflict of interest abound. For instance, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was once a lawyer (1976-1979) for Monsanto, the corporation that is changing the genetic makeup of the most widely used crops in the world. Michael Taylor, the former Monsanto Vice President, was appointed as the FDA Deputy Commissioner for Foods. Roger Beachy, the former director of the Monsanto-funded Danforth Plant Science Center, is now the director of the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. These are just a few examples among many, which represent the collusion of industry and government. It’s this collusion that ultimately allows untested, genetically modified seeds (and agro-chemicals) to be released into the environment where they pollinate and cross-contaminate natural crops. Since Monsanto’s GM seeds are patented technology, this ultimately allows the corporation to prosecute small farmers whose crops inadvertently crossbreed with Monsanto’s property.
Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Shouldn’t the real lawsuit be the people of the world versus Monsanto? Monsanto have destroyed the ecology of the soil and cross contaminated their GMOs with natural seeds, while welcoming increasing pest and weed resistance due to their monopoly on agro-chemicals. Shouldn’t they be prosecuted, time and time again for their abuses?
Supreme Court of the Philippines halts GM imports and field trials
The Rest…HERE