Loretta Lynch Threatens To Prosecute Hodges, Hagmann et al for Opposing the Immigration of Unscreened Muslims
by Dave Hodges
16 Dec, 2015
Steve Quayle calls her Loretta Lynch(mob). I call her a domestic terrorist who is intent on destroying the Constitution. In the past 24 hours, I have been told by multiple sources that I am going to be prosecuted for anti-Muslim rhetoric by the Federal government.
I do not engage in anti-Muslim rhetoric. However, in the aftermath of several terrorist events (e.g. San Bernardino) I have unashamedly called for all Muslim immigrants to be screened for suitability to enter the United States. If they are unwilling to assimilate, they do not belong here. That means if they expect to bring their Sharia Law and intend it to be a replacement for the Constitution, as many do, then they need to be denied admittance. Further, all backgrounds of any immigrant needs to be investigated. If there is the slightest hint of terrorism or criminal activity of any kind, then they need to (a) be deported or (b) denied entry.
In the name of political correctness, I will not support any religious/political doctrine whose intention is to supplant any part of the Constitution. The American people do not owe their country to immigrants who do not add to the quality of American life. As the sign says, we have the right to refuse service to anybody.
My father’s immigrant family had to go through a seven year naturalization period. They had to pass tests on speaking English, the Constitution, and American History. Now, we labor under despots, like Loretta Lynch(mob) who expect Americans to sacrifice their rights and their safety in the name of her version of political correctness. And now my name is circulating on lists as I am listed as a target for the criminal intentions to prosecute me for expressing my First Amendment rights.
Is this a real threat? It is real enough that I have consulted with my attorney.
Loretta Lynch and Her Attack Upon the Bill of Rights
The Rest…HERE