Why Donald Trump can’t be stopped
by Mike Adams
Thursday, December 10, 2015
No matter how desperately the leftist media tries to destroy Donald Trump, all they do is make him more famous and more popular. Every time Trump says something the left deems to be politically incorrect — illegal aliens are rapists, radical Muslims celebrated the 9/11 Twin Tower attacks, the UK has areas so radicalized by Muslims that even police dare not venture inside — the media tries to destroy Trump by calling him a liar. Yet time and time again, Donald Trump turns out to be factually correct, infuriating the dishonest media pundits whose “fact checkers” turn out to be nothing more than fiction writers.
Even the establishment GOP — which has also sought to destroy Trump as quickly as possible — remains wholly unable to stop his ascent in the polls. Trump, you see, is a real threat to the GOP political cabal and the cozy, fascist relationships between Republican establishment types and powerful corporations (like Monsanto or Merck).
Here’s the real reason Trump can’t be stopped…
The Rest…HERE