Millennials want USA to be North Korea: 40% say ‘offensive’ speech should be criminalized by the government
by: J. D. Heyes
Friday, December 04, 2015
A dangerous trend is emerging on today’s college campuses, involving a desire to curb speech, and while that may not concern most Americans, understand that these students won’t be students forever – they will be fully-fledged voting members of society, whose heads have obviously been filled with nonsensical garbage.
As noted by New York Magazine, much recent controversy regarding activism on campuses (assisted greatly by an unhealthy dose of mainstream media hysteria), has focused on the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech. Though a number of student (and academic) activists have claimed that what motivates them runs deeper than any single incident, in a number of cases – at Yale, Amherst and Wesleyan, for example – activists “were undeniably galvanized and mobilized by specific pieces of writing,” including an email, a flyer and a column.
NYMag noted further:
“In all three cases, they expressed outrage at the conservative viewpoints expressed and demanded that the authors of the materials be punished in some way (or, in the case of Amherst, where the flyers were anonymous, first found out and then punished).”
That said, even some who might be sympathetic to the cause of the activists – much of which centers on alleged acts of racism and other forms of discrimination, as well as broader issues championed by the Black Lives Matter movement – feel it has been a little difficult to stomach demands by college students that some of their peers or even administrators be persecuted just because they expressed a different point of view. And truth be told, the differing points of view are not extreme in any way, regardless of claims they are “offensive” to some.
This won’t bode well for America’s future
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