Another False Flag Shooting Proves Obama Is Implementing His 17th and Final Element of Martial Law
by Dave Hodges
03 Nov, 2015
For the past three years, I have been very clear in that I stated that we were plunging into an economic collapse and this collapse would happen prior to the implementation of martial. Martial law must be implemented before World War III in order to wipe out all domestic resistance to the war effort.
With another false flag shooting, we don’t have to wait any longer, America is rapidly approach its final moment of its demise.
The Economy Is In Free Fall
The next false flag event will likely collapse this fragile economy. When it does, food will not be shipped to your neighborhood grocery store. The American economy will come to a complete standstill. Economic collapse is imminent.
Michael Snyder just wrote an excellent analysis related to the true state of the economy. He was quite clear and convincing in his presentation that America is already in free-fall. Every economic indicator says the economy is collapsing like a house of cards except for the Stock Market. When the Stock Market crashes, the end is here. Oil has crashed as it is now selling for less than $40 a barrel.
This is a huge chest pain before the heart attack. Because this fact, couple with the fact that Baltic Dry Index has reached an all-time low speaks to the fact that very soon, there will not be the necessary cash to finance the shipment of food to market. When this magic moment occurs, the United States will cease in its present form. It will be a case of every man for themselves. The chain of events will be underway that will result in planetary madeness resulting from World War III.
Another False Flag Event
The Rest…HERE