Trump Is Right: Video Describes How Jersey City Muslims Held PRE-PLANNED 9/11 Rooftop Celebration
Suspects had a detailed model of WTC and binoculars; FBI said ‘they knew’ towers would be hit
Steve Watson
December 2, 2015
Donald Trump was right all along.
Muslims were seen celebrating the 9/11 attacks in Jersey City and beyond. And even more disturbing than that, some of them knew AHEAD OF TIME that the twin towers were going to be attacked, according to statements made to reporters by the FBI in the days after the planes hit.
A news report has emerged that corroborates the claims alluded to by Trump over the past few days.
The report, which is a WCBS newscast broadcast 6 days after the attacks, details how FBI investigators revealed that some muslim suspects living in an apartment building in Jersey City held a PRE-PLANNED rooftop party on the day of the attacks.
The task force investigators even stated that the suspects had a detailed model of the Word Trade Center, the type architects use, on the rooftop with them, along with binoculars.
From the newscast:
“Calling this a ‘hot address’ the task force investigators ordered everyone detained. They saw something else: a model of the Trade Center on the roof along with sets of binoculars. The kind of model used by an architect or engineer for a presentation an investigator told me. “They knew,” he said, “that the planes were going to hit and they wanted a ringside seat.”
The report also details how the building in question was notorious for being the home of the terrorists who carried out the first attack on the WTC with a truck bomb in 1993.
The FBI investigators made a note of how they remembered the exact building from that investigation. They should know, of course, given that they ensnared the suspects into the attackthrough informants.
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