2015 Warning EMP Attack on America – Life After an EMP -90% of all Americans will die within 18 months after an EMP event.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015
By Paul Martin

by AMY S.
SEPTEMBER 29, 2015

What is an EMP attack?

Because our infrastructure has a large gap in its electronic securities, there can be what is called an EMP attack. This is an Electro Magnetic Pulse attack.

It may sound a bit like science fiction, but it is a very realistic possibility. At its simplest explanation, an EMP would cause a major override to surge protectors and to electronics nationally.

This would wipe out the electronic and internet grid.

Most items which are dependent upon computerized electronics would fail to work, or in a best case scenario reset them to their default manufacturing state.

How would this affect us?

No identity

Think about this. Your identity verification is really all based in a computer system.

Granted, you may have a birth certificate and a social security, but if an EMP attack occurs, how is such information verified?

There is no way for anyone to really say “Yes, This is Mr. John Doe”.

And being as that the government is not known for just taking us at our word, there will be no real way to tell who is who.

This is particularly disturbing as it will be a post attack.

Those which performed the attack could easily infiltrate the United States as citizens so long as they have the (easily forged) printed documents.

No Power

Where I am sure that emergency backup will be used in a no power situation, there will be millions which will be without power indefinitely.

For the elderly, hospitals, and the poor this will be the cause of many casualties. Without power there can be no warm water distributed.

Air conditioners (in hot weather) cannot regulate the temperatures for the elderly and so man will perish due to heat stroke.

Hospitals will not be able to use essential equipment like defibrillators or even electronic IV systems.

A great many people will lose transportation

The Rest…HERE

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