Central Banks Will Be Powerless to Stop the Crisis.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015
By Paul Martin

By: Graham Summers
Wednesday, 26 August 2015

The financial system is in uncharted waters… and it’s not clear that the Fed has a clue how to navigate them.

A number of key data points suggest the US is entering another recession. These data points are:

1) The Empire Manufacturing Survey

2) Copper’s sharp drop in price

3) The Fed’s own GDPNow measure

4) The plunge in corporate revenues

Why does this matter? After all, the US typically enters a recession every 5-7 years or so.

This matters because interest rates are currently at zero. Never in history has the US entered a recession when rates were this low. And it spells serious trouble for the financial system going forward.

Firstly, with rates at zero, the Fed has little to no ammo to combat a contraction. Some Central Banks have recently cut rates into negative territory. However, this is politically impossible in the US, particularly with an upcoming Presidential election.

This ultimately leaves QE as the last tool in the Fed’s arsenal to address an economic contraction.

The Rest…HERE

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