Advanced Preparations for Jade Helm Led FEMA Camp Roundups Are In the Final Stages

Saturday, July 25, 2015
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
25 July, 2015

Jade Helm has faded somewhat into the background. However, there are events which are guaranteeing that Jade Helm 15 will catapult prominently back into the news.

I have been receiving emails from listeners and viewers asking me about the latest on Jade Helm and many wanted to know why I was no longer covering the Jade Helm exercise. The following email captures these sentiments.

Dear Dave,
Why are you no longer covering Jade Helm? Is it over? I have noticed that ____ ____ on his show is no longer covering either. He actually said that he no longer considered Jade Helm to no longer be a big deal. Do you think the same?……..
Thanks for all you do for America,

Actually, Brett’s email is only partially correct. Yes, I have slowed down in my coverage on Jade Helm because I have been gathering new evidence that takes Jade Helm to a deeper level. In fact, I recently wrote an article about Trident Juncture which is the international version of Jade Helm which will be used to terrorize southern Europe which will soon be going into an economic collapse. The nations of interest for Trident Juncture are Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy.

Purpose of the Article

This article will present clear and convincing evidence regarding the fact that this administration fully intends on extracting political dissidents and transporting many of them by helicopter to a final holding center, a FEMA camp converted from original use.

Former Prison Converted Into a FEMA Camp

A lady named Kristie has been in contact with me regarding the suspicious activities going on at a closed prison in Lima, Ohio. When she first contacted me, at the beginning of the Jade Helm revelations, she felt that this closed prison was showing signs of life. Here is a dramatic update to her original suspicions which seem to be verified in the following communication and subsequent pictures.

The Rest…HERE

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