Japan Reporter: Mutations increasing in Fukushima — TV: “Strange things are happening to the plants and animals” — Gov’t News Agency: “Long list of mutated life forms reported” (VIDEO)

Thursday, July 23, 2015
By Paul Martin

July 22nd, 2015

Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan, Jul 21, 2015 (at 39:45 in):

Jan Vande Putte, radiation safety specialist (emphasis added): The impact on wildlife is very important and largely unexplored… by the authorities so far. We have now seen last year the proof of how crucial a good understanding of the impact on wildlife is. In Chernobyl, it has been studied in detail, the impact of decreasing numbers of what we could call microorganisms, insects…

Question: Thank you so much. My name is (Makiko Sato?), I’m a freelancer currently working for the Korea Times. I so appreciate [your comments] about the impact on wildlife. I just visited Iitate Village and happened to meet some local photographers who are taking, already starting from this year… mutations of plants. I’ll show you the photos. I hear that the number of insects – especially cicada — the sound of cicada is decreased. It’s not only him, but Kawauchi villager and also Iitate villager says it’s true…

Vande Putte: Insects are actually very interesting to look at… It’s extremely difficult to build a model to estimate dose to an ant or to an insect. Very little research has been done on that. There’s some causal relationship… in the areas where we have more radiation, we observe clearly lower amounts of insects… That’s very clear… The full explanation of that is not available yet. We would really urge a lot more research in that area because it could also teach us something about the relationship between radiation and impact of radiation on life in general.

The Rest…HERE

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