Texas passes open-carry law in huge win for advocates of self-defense, liberty and the US Constitution
by: J. D. Heyes
Monday, July 20, 2015
The GOP-led Texas legislature has passed a measure that would allow law-abiding Texas residents to openly carry holstered side arms.
As reported by The Texas Tribune, House Bill 910, introduced by Rep. Larry Phillips, a Republican lawmaker from Sherman, passed on third reading. The Senate passed similar legislation in March; Gov. Greg Abbott has pledged to sign open-carry legislation.
There were some minor differences in the House and Senate versions of the legislation, but those were expected to be ironed out and a final measure forwarded to Abbott for signature.
Two Democrats – Reps. Rafael Anchia of Dallas and Chris Turner of Arlington, introduced separate but similar amendments that would have allowed larger Texas cities to opt out of open carry but both of those failed.
Texas one of a handful of states that does not allow open carry – yet
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