Western doctors are now killing their patients in cold blood under euthanasia laws

Thursday, July 16, 2015
By Paul Martin

by: Daniel Barker
Thursday, July 16, 2015

A recent study by the Journal of Medical Ethics revealed a disturbing practice being carried out in Belgian hospitals — namely, the deliberate euthanasia of patients without their voluntary consent.

Raphael Cohen-Almagor, professor of philosophy and ethics at the UK’s Hull University and author of the report, discovered that lethal drugs were being used to “shorten life and without explicit request.”

These cases of deliberate euthanasia accounted for 1.7 percent of all deaths in Belgium during 2013. The practice typically involved patients who were comatose, suffering from dementia or “because discussion would have been harmful to the patient’s best interest” — a very contentious judgment, indeed.

This highly questionable and unethical practice is all the more curious since a 2002 Belgian law called the Euthanasia Act prohibits administering life-ending drugs except in cases where the patient has given explicit, voluntary consent.

As Cohen-Almagor wrote:

“At the heart of this legislation is the free will of the patient who asks for euthanasia. It is worrying that some physicians take upon themselves the responsibility to deliberately shorten patients’ lives without a clear indication from the patients that this is what they would want.”

The Rest…HERE

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