The refreshing surge of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump: America tires of the same old insider corruption and idiocy offered by Clinton and Bush…(False Flag In 3…2…1…)

Friday, July 10, 2015
By Paul Martin

by Mike Adams
Friday, July 10, 2015

I don’t usually cover pure politics here on Natural News, but watching the surge of Bernie Sanders (on the left) and Donald Trump (on the right) is so refreshing that I had to share it with you. It turns out these two have a lot more in common than you might expect.

They’re both independent-minded individuals who aren’t afraid to buck the system… or even to threaten it! Sanders openly talks about obliterating Wall Street capitalist cronies while Donald Trump openly threatens to build a giant wall on the border to block illegal immigration. These aren’t cowardly, mainstream ideas; they’re bold, controversial positions that simply aren’t designed to appease the middle ground.

Both of these ideas are, of course, viciously attacked by the corporate-controlled lamestream media. Yet despite the attacks, both Sanders and Trump are surging in popularity. In fact, both are now leading the pack for their respective parties, according to some polls. See Donald Trump Leads The Pack as GOP Frontrunner at

The Rest…HERE

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