Privately Owned Prisons Are Being Converted to FEMA Camps…”I have a relative who is in the Michigan National Guard. His unit has been training with the Russians.”
by Dave Hodges
10 July, 2015
Russians training in incarcerate and process American dissidents? Prison riots that are controlled by “special forces (Jade Helm)”? Prison space being cleared for future political prisoners? And all of these events discussed in this article simply dovetail from the revelation that shopping malls, sports stadiums and some schools are being prepped to double as FEMA camp internment facilities.
Sent July 10, 2015
Dear Dave,
I have followed your work for a long time. I know that you have covered that Russian soldiers are in our country and are preparing to be a part of a martial law occupation force in case American soldiers will not carry out their orders.
I have always thought you were one of the best writers in the country and read you everyday although I never bought into the Russian thing until now. I also listen to you and the Hagmanns on the air. I know they feel the same as you about the Russians.
I have a relative who is in the Michigan National Guard. His unit has been training with the Russians. They are practicing rounding up Americans and processing them into custody. He said they separated men and women with some children. But he also said they were separating people by religious beliefs. My relative believes that they are going to exterminate Christians when the time comes. Why else would they separate Christians from Jews from Muslims and from Catholics, from Mormons from athiests?
My relative is absolutely freaked out. He wants to quit and go into hiding. He told my husband and me that we have no idea how bad things are about to get. I have shown him some of your articles on Jade Helm and Camp Grayling and he was very surprised that you were being allowed to print what you are.
He said that members of his unit said that they think they will be attacked by the Russians when the time comes. He thinks that he and his unit will be assassinated when it comes time to round up Americans. He said his unit senses that the Russians “hate us” and want nothing to do with us because they know what is coming. He said that we have done training together, but there is no hint of any relationships developing as you would expect. He said the American soldiers and the Russians do not like each other. They have nothing to do with each other and only the officers from the 2 armies speak to each other.
The training is about monkey see monkey do. His unit will arrest pretend suspect actors and then process them and interrogate them. The Russians watch and then are asked to do the same in English. He said the Russian’s English is as good as any American. This part freaked me out. He said that the Russians frequently train in American Army uniforms. Everyone thinks that they are going to pretend to be Americans when it is time to start the killing and the rounding up.
My relative also learned through an advisor that was at their camp, that the same thing is going on at Ft. Bliss.
What should we do? We cannot all go into hiding but I am convinced that they are coming for people like us. My question to you is that if the Russians are already training to arrest us, how far away can the real thing be?
Please do not publish my name, I do not want to have my relative or me to have an accident.
Even Drudge is getting into the act with regard to the possible embedding of Russian troops inside of Jade Helm.
The Rest…HERE