Amazon releases the ultimate Big Brother spy device that constantly listens to everything you say in your own home

Friday, July 10, 2015
By Paul Martin

by: J. D. Heyes
Friday, July 10, 2015

Some of the most invasive new technology is being marketed as invaluable tools that “help” around your home or office, so-called “Internet of Everything” devices that have massive potential to serve as spy tools for snooping authorities.

One such device is being marketed by online retail giant Amazon. Called the Amazon Echo, it is a voice-activated “knowledge” device designed to respond to users’ questions. But to do so, the device continually monitors all sounds for your voice, and as such, given its Internet connectivity, could serve as a surveillance device to anyone who has the ability to hack into it.

The approximately 12-inch-tall, 3-inch-wide black cylindrical device is part microphone, part computer; when you ask it a question, it responds with an answer that is retrieved from “the cloud.”

“Echo is a device designed around your voice,” says a marketing video. “Simply say, ‘Alexa,’ and ask a question or give a command.”

And there is the “family” robot line, too

The Rest…HERE

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