Vaccines kill more people than sharks, alligators, bears, snakes and spiders combined

Tuesday, July 7, 2015
By Paul Martin

by: Ethan A. Huff
Tuesday, July 07, 2015

he mainstream media is in a frenzy over a few shark attacks that allegedly took place in North Carolina this past week, reports of which are already triggering a wave of fear as some families rethink their summer travel plans. But the biggest threat to your children isn’t sharks, bears, alligators or any other predator — it’s vaccines.

The number of deaths that occur annually following routine vaccination is far greater than the number of people that die from sharks, alligators, bears, snakes and spiders combined, it turns out. And yet tired news outlets like The Washington Post are asking ridiculous questions like, “Are you afraid of sharks? You should be…”

Such fear-mongering distracts from a much more serious threat to your children — poison-filled injections that are associated with at least 5,000 deaths annually, according to data from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). The International Medical Council on Vaccination (IMCV) estimates that about 3,900 of these 5,000 reported deaths, or 78%, are directly caused by vaccines.

The Rest…HERE

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